Ranging from local authorities to charitable trusts and foundations, corporate funders to social investors, our Living Wage Funders are committing to tackle low pay by encouraging the organisations they support to pay the real Living Wage.
Benefits for Living Wage Funders:
- Get access to guidance on applying the Living Wage to grant-funded posts, including templates and case studies.
- Become part of a strategic community of funders that support and promote the Living Wage, contributing to ending low pay in the third sector.
- Are entitled to use the Living Wage Funder Mark.
- Appear on our website so that supporters and grantees can easily find out about the commitment you have made.
- Have the opportunity to work with us on press coverage to promote your Funder recognition.
- Receive an invitation to events during Living Wage Week and a pack with materials and guidance on how to be part of the national celebrations.
- Are kept up to date on the Living Wage campaign and opportunities to celebrate your recognition.

Funders are doing things differently
Ranging from local authorities to charitable trusts and foundations, social investors, and corporate, science and capital funders, our dozens of Living Wage Funders are committing to tackle low pay by encouraging the organisations they support to pay staff the real Living Wage.
Find out more about their experience and impact in our case studies below.

1 in 7 third sector workers paid below a real Living Wage
This report looks at the scale and drivers of low pay in the sector, who is most impacted and the effect paying the Living Wage has on third sector organisations. It also offers solutions for third sector organisations.

Trafford Housing Trust case study
Trafford Housing Trust joined the Living Wage Funder scheme in 2018; they were our first housing association to commit to the scheme and won a Living Wage Funder Champion Award. Find out more about their experience here.

Living Wage and social investors
Promoting the real Living Wage among your portfolio of social investees can make a real impact – and is an approach you can implement fairly quickly.
Find out more about how you can embed Living Wage consideration into your investment decision making, and join a movement of funders, social impact investors and entrepreneurs championing the real Living Wage.

Who is a Living Wage Funder?
Ranging from local authorities to charitable trusts and foundations, social investors and corporate funders, our Living Wage Funders are committing to tackle low pay by encouraging the organisations they support to pay the real Living Wage. Below are all the accredited Living Wage Funders:
83 Living Wage Funders

Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity
Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity raises funds to support homelessness initiatives across the city region and give out grants to good causes.It’s great that Greater Manchester Mayor's Charity is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@GMMayorsCharityCelebrate this on Twitter

Friends Provident Foundation
We are a capitalised charity that focuses on exploring the role of how money and financial systems can better serve the needs of society.It’s great that Friends Provident Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@FProvFoundationCelebrate this on Twitter

Polden Puckham Charitable Foundation
A grant-making foundation that supports work in the fields of environmental sustainability and peace and sustainable security.It’s great that Polden Puckham Charitable Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.

Walcot Foundation ...
We are an independent grant-making foundation. Our work is to break cycles of financial deprivation for people living in Lambeth.It’s great that Walcot Foundation ... is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@WalcotLambethCelebrate this on Twitter

The Portal Trust
The Portal Trust is a charity which supports a wide range of educational establishments, special educational projects, grants and bursaries in LondonIt’s great that The Portal Trust is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@portal_trustCelebrate this on Twitter

Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation
We’re an independent, place-based foundation. We work with others to improve the health of people in the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark.It’s great that Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@GSTTFoundationCelebrate this on Twitter

Lincolnshire Community Foundation
Lincolnshire Community Foundation is the leading grant maker, needs assessor, social enterprise developer and community commissioner in the County.It’s great that Lincolnshire Community Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@LincolnshireCFCelebrate this on Twitter

Aldgate & Allhallows Foundation
It’s great that Aldgate & Allhallows Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@AAF1895Celebrate this on Twitter

Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust
Trust that funds charities operating in KentIt’s great that Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@Colyer-FergussonCelebrate this on Twitter

The Oglesby Charitable Trust
We are an independent, family Trust that supports charitable work primarily in the North of England.It’s great that The Oglesby Charitable Trust is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.

Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust
Grant maker working for political and democratic reformIt’s great that Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@JRRT1904Celebrate this on Twitter

London Borough of Islington
Local AuthorityIt’s great that London Borough of Islington is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@IslingtonBCCelebrate this on Twitter

The Baring Foundation
Independent grant-making foundationIt’s great that The Baring Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
Baring_FoundCelebrate this on Twitter

Nesta is a global innovation foundationIt’s great that Nesta is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
nesta_ukCelebrate this on Twitter

Paul Hamlyn Foundation
We are an independent funder working towards a just and equitable society in which everyone can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives.It’s great that Paul Hamlyn Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@phf_ukCelebrate this on Twitter

John Lyon's Charity
We give grants to benefit children and young people up to the age of 25 in north and west London.It’s great that John Lyon's Charity is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.
@JohnLyonCharityCelebrate this on Twitter

Coutts Foundation
An independent grant-making charitable Foundation, established and funded by Coutts & Co (which is a subsidiary of the NatWest Group)It’s great that Coutts Foundation is an accredited Living Wage Funder working with @LivingWageUK to encourage the organisations we support to pay a real Living Wage.